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The Team

Who We Are

Cristian Weijmans

Founding Partner

Despite being pushed into a “generic” business education by his father, Cristian was unable to hide his passion for the fitness industry. With now more than 20 years of experience working with club operators, distributors, and suppliers he is honoured to be able to help partners take their businesses to the next level and supporting them in reaching their full potential. 

Ali Assaf

Founding Partner

Ali was born and raised in Lebanon, where he started his career with an obsession for fitness in the Middle East, and moved to Europe to diversify his skillset and experiences. With now more than 15 years of international experience, he feels that the best use of his skills is to support others in elevating their international business. Ali is a big believer in development happening from within...with the required support and motivation.

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Kyle Millroy

Advisory Board Member

Kyle is South African by birth and Dutch by design. He has spent his career working with international businesses to determine the strategic direction, the development of the required plans, the building of strong teams and most importantly, the delivery of growth plans and results. Kyle is looking to put these skills to good use by supporting other organisations in their quest for growth. 

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